White Wolf
"White Wolf" oil painting on 11"x14" canvas. This painting is framed in a heavy silver foil museum frame that is a great compliment to his beautiful coat. Be sure to scroll through the additional views of this painting to see how the finished portrait evolved.
Years ago this artist participated in a radio collaring project tracking the migratory habits of wolves in the Carpathia Mountains between Poland and the Ukraine and spent 21 days in the forest to complete the study. What a wonderful and memorable experience.
There are so many variable opinions on the value of our dear wolves, and more of their habitat is vanishing. Hopefully they will not be eliminated from our forests.
Years ago this artist participated in a radio collaring project tracking the migratory habits of wolves in the Carpathia Mountains between Poland and the Ukraine and spent 21 days in the forest to complete the study. What a wonderful and memorable experience.
There are so many variable opinions on the value of our dear wolves, and more of their habitat is vanishing. Hopefully they will not be eliminated from our forests.