This oil painting, using artist quality Rembrant paints, is completed on 11"x14" stretched canvas. Closeup of a Bonobo baby (close relative of the chimpanzee) is always a favorite at the gallery. Accented with an ebony museum quality frame to bring attention to those eyes pleading for help because of diminished habitats.

What's the difference between a chimp and a bonobo, you ask? Chimpanzees are slightly taller than bonobos when they stand up on their back legs, with males averaging 4.3 ft tall, compared to bonobo males who are 4.2 ft on average. Bonobos also have a more slender physique, whereas chimpanzee bodies are more stocky and muscular. A major difference is that bonobos are a matriarchal community and often use sex to diffuse aggression, where as chimpanzees are dominated by males and are extremely territorial.